Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Delight of the week... Hammocks

We housesat for my brother- and sister-in-law a few weeks ago and spent a few beautiful late afternoons enjoying the ocean views from the hammock... sigh. Hard work I tell you!

Leah loved it and it got me thinking about baby hammocks. I was always a bit sceptical about their safety, until I came across the Kanoe Motion Sensitive Organic Baby Hammock on Zimmer and Jee. Okay, the not-so-teeny price tag would probably have most dads saying "Woa, can I use it too!", but it isn't one of those baby products that you'll have to squeeze away into storage after three months. It's a calming cradle to start with, and come toddler time, it doubles up as a swing! With Leah cooped up inside this week thanks to grey skies and constant downpours, it sounds like a rainy day life saver to me.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Summer Lovin'

I have reluctantly vacuum packed all my summer frocks and my trusty hot water bottle has reappeared. Winter is definitely here and I'm already missing the days when changing a nappy didn't involve two layers, socks and a small argument. So here are a few nostalgic shots of our first carefree (and clothing free) summer out on the lawn.

Monday, 16 May 2011

One + One = ?

Since having Leah I've really found myself looking at my nieces, nephews and other people's children (yes, I'm a bit of a people watcher) and simply being amazed at how genes come together. The jury is still out on who our little lady looks like and I just love spotting the little bits of Gav and me (and other members of our family) that I see. She has Gav's lips and his dimple (although it's on the opposite side),  but my complexion and frown. Leah has Gav's hairline but she's growing her locks as slowly as I did. She has her grandfathers to thank for her big blue eyes and cracks us up with a little squashed up smile like my sister did as a baby. Those chubby baby cheeks... well it appears that those were inevitable. And as for personality, we're seeing her dad's sense of humour and charm and my aversion to sitting in one place for more than five minutes. Oh, and my rather poor patience level and short fuse. Eek!


Gav (left) and Me (right)

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Does my bum look big in this?

I know I join a few million mothers when I concede that disposable nappies are a rather nifty invention. I wonder about anyone who has dared to head to 40 000 feet with a baby, a few cloth parachutes and a handful of pins, and I take my hat off to anyone who ever had to pack the pre-soak for a family holiday. But I have to say that there is nothing more adorable than a little bottom padded the good old-fashioned way.

In an attempt to be a bit more of an earth mother (nothing brings you down to earth like scrubbing nappies),  when Leah was born I decided that disposables would only be a travel/emergency option and stocked up on a set of bamboo 'Nature Nappies'. Yes, it's a little bit of hard work, but I like to think that Leah will appreciate being green somewhere down the line.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

When I Grow Up...

I want to be a jockey!

Leah has now grown into her cousins' old horse, "Blue", and while having a pony is a lot of hard work, she seems to be very enthusiastic about her new friend.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I hope all you amazing moms, mums, mommies, mummies, mommas, mamas and ma's (whatever wonderful name you go by) had a special day. My little lady (now nine and a half months) and her daddy took me out for breakfast and a glass of bubbly at No. 44 King Street, one of my favourite cafés in the city. Little Miss Inquisitive may have had us running around most of the time as she now has places to go and people to say hi to, but I am relishing these wobbly moments as she now holds our hands and stomps her little feet around the place.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

The Princess and the Pea

This video cracks me up every time I watch it. Leah is a little obsessed with peas at the moment. I think she likes the challenge. She was having dinner in the nude (this year's ridiculously hot summer, along with a messy meal were deciding factors) when I filmed this and it would have been longer if she hadn't kicked up a huge fuss to be lifted out her throne. It turned out there was a pesky pea beneath her delicate derriere!

Do I Have Food On My Face?

While little Miss Muffet is far more interested in the culinary potential of anything she can find on the floor at the moment, along with the odd handful of beach sand for added fibre, the last few months have been a treat watching her discover (and, more often than not, love) this world of deliciousness.

I remember when I was around 15 weeks pregnant reading that her little taste buds were developing, so it's been fascinating to now watch and wonder whether any of the flavours have been at all familiar. I like to think they were.

I'll admit to being a bit of a neat freak, but I've surprise myself and happily let things slide just to watch her relishing the mush of the day. And I have to say that, stained clothes and sticky floors aside, it's been worth it.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Beddy Bye Bye

Ah, it was a bittersweet moment when Leah figured out that not only can she stand up, but she can stand up IN BED! It's so adorable, but a complete lesson in patience trying to teach a tot that they should be horizontal when the world is sooo much more fun when you're vertical.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Baby Boot Camp

Well our little lady is now crawling, climbing and contemplating the advantages of possibly joining us on two feet. It's all very exciting, but also has me wondering whether I should have joined a gym for some serious stamina-building exercises instead of sitting on the sidelines cheering her on as she put in a whole lot of pre-crawling strength training of her own. She did push-ups inside, she did them outside, she even did them before naps. If she wasn't such a little wriggler I would have treated her to post-workout massages. Surely those little muscles must ache by the end of the day!

Thirsty work