I can still remember the theme tune for Thirtysomething. Yip, it's stuck there in the memory bank of great 80s show tunes. Golden Girls, Who's The Boss, MacGuyver, Dallas...
Thirthysomething's tune, however, is the only thing I can remember about that show as it fell into the "grown-up" genre. I'm almost tempted to download the series now that I'm old enough to watch it. Apparently I'm a grown-up now (well supposed to be)!
That doesn't mean I'm too old for cupcakes, though. And my rather awesome husband impressed me with these masterpieces to celebrate my introduction into thirtysomethingness.

The other thing that's thirtysomething (weeks) is our bump! We had our final scan last week and we're on countdown now with about eight weeks to go. We can't wait!